11 best Lower Back Exercises with Dumbbells

11 best Lower Back Exercises with Dumbbells – Build a strong lower back with well-developed glutes

The lower back and glutes are interconnected when it comes to training. Having chronic lower back pain is a sign of having weak glutes. Our suggested 11 best Lower Back Exercises with dumbbells will not only help you get rid of your pain but also help you to build a set of nice-looking glutes and hamstrings.

Having good posture is essential for strengthening your lower back, hamstrings, and erector spinae muscles. The lower back acts as a bridge between the upper and lower body, supporting better hinging and rotational movements during workouts. Whether you’re looking to improve your performance in the gym or outside of it, prioritizing exercises that target these muscles is crucial.

The lower back, including the erector spinae muscles, often doesn’t receive enough attention compared to other back muscle groups like the lats. However, weakness in this area can lead to issues such as low back pain and poor posture. It can also be a weak point during exercises like deadlifts and squats, as well as other workouts that target the hamstrings and require strong erector spinae muscles.

In this guide, all you need is a set of dumbbells to incorporate great exercises like the legged deadlift and superman exercise. These workouts will help you build a very effective lower back regimen that can build muscle and strength while stabilizing the overworked and underworked muscles.

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What are the lower back muscles and where are they located?

The lower back group, also known as erector spinae muscles, refers to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments located in the lower region of your back, right over your glutes. These muscles, including the spinalis, iliocostalis, and longissimus, make up the posterior chain.

Along with the hamstrings, glutes, and calves, which are responsible for posterior force generation along with stabilizing the hips and spine when performing movements, it is important to focus on back strength by incorporating back workouts and back exercises to address weak back muscles.

In this article, we’ve provided you with the 11 best lower back exercises that you can do with dumbbells. We’ve also explained the steps to do each exercise safely, and tips to get the most out of each. A majority of these exercises also work for different muscle groups as well, primarily the hamstrings, glutes, lats, upper back, and right glutes. So you’ll be able to choose how to best integrate them into your routine and enjoy the benefits they bring to your hand.

One of the benefits of training the lower back is that you can’t isolate it from the posterior chain. This means that compound exercises are the right choice, as they work multiple muscle groups at once. Here are some pro tips to concentrate on these exercises.

Why you should strengthen the Lower Back muscles?

lower back exercises with dumbbellslower back exercises with dumbbellsMan deadlifting

There are many benefits to improving and maintaining mobility in the lower back and hand. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

  1. Improving your lower back strength is crucial for enhancing your mobility and lifting ability. It also plays a significant role in improving your athletic performance.
  2. The majority of fitness enthusiasts deal with lower back pain due to a sedentary lifestyle or overuse of certain muscle groups. Strengthening your lower back muscles is crucial for preventing injury and pain, and it offers mobility benefits and pro tips for quick recovery.
  3. Your lower back, also known as the middle section of your body, can greatly benefit from pro tips to strengthen and develop it. This will effectively support your spine, making it healthy and strong.

Why you should use dumbbells for training the lower back

Using dumbbells for exercising

Increased muscle activation:

By holding dumbbells in both hands, you can incorporate pro tips to engage your core and back muscles. This added stability intensifies your workout, ensuring the dumbbells don’t fall away.

Variety of exercises:

Dumbbells offer a wide range of exercises for the lower back, such as deadlifts, rows, good mornings, lunges, hip thrusts, step-ups, etc.

Improved balance and stability:

As the dumbbells are free to travel – they can move In any direction, compared to the restrictive path provided by the barbells. This makes them ideal for strengthening the back muscles. Back exercises using dumbbells can be challenging but effective in targeting a weak back.

Holding the dumbbells in both hands increases the need for stability in the core and back muscles as they are forced to stay active to prevent the dumbbells from falling away.

Reduced risk of injury:

Dumbbells allow for a more controlled movement, they allow a more natural movement pattern of the body, unlike barbells. Dumbbells also reduce stress on the lower back when compared to using a barbell.


Dumbbells are readily available for effective back workouts. They are portable, take less space, and are easy to use at home or in a gym setting.

Progress tracking:

Dumbbells are great for a back workout because they allow for easy tracking of weight increase, which helps in progression and muscle growth.

Targeted muscle groups:

Dumbbell exercises can target specific muscle groups of the lower back, such as the erector spinae, lats, and glutes.

Key Takeaways – The Best Lower Back Exercises using Dumbbells

  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
  • Dumbbell Bent Over Row
  • Dumbbell Good Mornings
  • Dumbbell Back Extensions
  • Dumbbell Hip thrusts
  • Bird Dog Dumbbell Rows
  • Dumbbell Swings
  • Dumbbell Renegade Rows
  • B Stance Deadlift with Dumbbells
  • Dumbbell Side Planks
  • Dumbbell Bird Dog Row


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Our coach’s recommended – The Best Lower Back Exercises using Dumbbells

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift – J2fithumanperformance

First is the dumbbell Romanian deadlift (also called an “RDL” which it is short for) is an excellent exercise to build and strengthen the glutes, the lower back, and the hammies.

In contrast to a traditional deadlift, which involves pushing your legs against the ground, and then pulling the weight (e.g. dumbbells) into an upright position… The Romanian deadlift is all about bending at your hips.

This hinging motion(bending at the hips) requires strength and flexibility in the hips, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings.

It is also possible to do the single-leg dumbbell Romanian deadlifts or even a so-called ‘B-stance Romanian deadlift’ in order to reduce imbalances in muscles and work on each side in a separate way which results in equal muscular and strength development.

This can be useful if you are only able to use lighter dumbbells and are looking for an option to increase the progression. Single-leg exercises can test your stability and balance.

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Dumbbell Been Bent Over Row – AlexCrockford

Although the dumbbell bent over row is mostly thought of as an exercise that targets the upper and mid backs, lats, and back, however, it’s also an effective way to strengthen the lower back as well.

Leaning forward using a straight back with straight legs will require you to pivot at your hips. This is a way to engage your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, making sure they assist in stabilizing the spine and offset the pressure gravity exerts on your upper body.

If you’re doing bent-over rows for your lower back muscles, you may discover it’s better to use less weight and more repetitions, which means you’re not in that unstable position longer and keep the muscles in your lower back engaged and working longer (time in the tension).

Dumbbell Good Mornings

Dumbbell Good Mornings – xp360strengthconditioning2

Dumbbells are an excellent method to add some weight to your Good Morning exercise. We suggest using the smallest weight you can begin with, and then being focused on controlled, slow repetitions.

Good Mornings involve bending at your hips… like the Romanian deadlift, the weight is placed on the shoulders or upper back of your body. A dumbbell can be placed directly behind your head or on the shoulders for additional resistance during the workout. 

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this you can try holding the dumbbell behind your body instead (but make sure you keep an upright back).

When you return to a straight position, you should notice your lower back dumbbell exercises have loaded and activated your posterior chain.

When using dumbbells in particular It is not recommended to use large, heavy weights… keep them for compound exercises such as deadlifts. 

Good Mornings is all about slow, controlled movements and using smart training methods such as the TUT (time under tension) and eccentric training to ramp up strength and muscle.

Dumbbell Back Extensions

Learn how to do Back Extensions – livestrongcom Dumbbell Back Extensions –tnation

Back extensions are a fantastic option for people looking to increase the strength of their lower back. It is possible to do bodyweight exercises but it’s more often done on a 45-degree bench. This can help deactivate different muscle groups when you are performing the “hinging” motion so that the muscles in your lower back carry more weight… which in turn makes them harder to work and increase their size.

Lifting with poor technique when it comes to back extensions can result in injuries, so be sure that you’re doing it properly at a slow pace… Also, concentrate on smaller, controlled moves, rather than an enormous swinging motion.

It is also possible to do them on a GHD machine.

To do back extensions using dumbbells, simply hold the dumbbell in a “hugging position” as you place the dumbbell against your chest during exercise for added resistance to the move.

Dumbbell Hip thrusts

The Dumbbell Hip Thrusts – J2fithumanperformance

The Dumbbell Hip Thrust is a great glute exercise for all ages. Bird Dog Row is an exercise that is relatively well known in the gyms – this exercise is mostly done by women to build their glutes, however, it’s an extremely beneficial exercise to increase the strength and muscularity of the glutes for both men as well as women this exercise also works the lower back along with the core.

We recommend dumbbell hip thrusts for those who may be seeking to prevent and reduce low back pain as the majority of cases of low-back pain come from the fact that you have poor glute development.

Although technically it’s your glutes and your core that are responsible for the majority of stabilization of the lower back, the core muscles, along with the hip and spine stabilizers also have to help support your spine and aid in keeping that straight back throughout the repetitions and thus preventing you from being crushed under the weight.

You can also add a glute resistance band around your thighs to increase resistance and activation of the glute medius and minimus activation.

The Dumbbell Bird Dog Rows

Dumbbell bird dog row – https://www.youtube.com/@heenanjoshua

Bird Dog Row is a great exercise for all ages. Bird Dog Row is an exercise that is relatively unnoticed however it’s extremely beneficial to increase flexibility and stabilization in the lower back, as well as the core.

We recommend Bird Dog Rows and Weighted Bird Dogs for those who may be seeking to ease back into their routine. Because the glutes and the core are enlisted to help support the exercise, the lower back won’t be subject to the same strain as other back exercises, which means you can handle things slowly and gently.

Although technically it’s your glutes and your core that are responsible for the majority of stabilization of the lower back, it has to help support your spine and aid in keeping that straight back throughout the repetitions.

This exercise can test your balance and will help improve your rowing technique.

Dumbbell Swing

DUMBBELL SWING – Strongmadesimple

The dumbbell swing is an easy substitute for the kettlebell… especially for those who might not have access to kettlebells.

The movements are largely similar to the regular kettlebell swing however, you are using dumbbells.

The technique is crucial when it comes to “swinging” exercises which can result in serious back pain, such as an injured disc if you use a poor lifting technique (usually because you are lifting excessive weight).

This kind of exercise is perfect to add to HIIT exercises, and for people who are looking for a basic exercise that is effective for a wide range of muscles.

Dumbbell Renegade Rows

Dumbbell Renegade Row – prsallday

The dumbbell renegade row is like the bird dog row in terms of the mechanics of movement, but it requires an upright position in contrast to a quadruped posture. This means that the muscles in your core (both your abs as well as your lower back) are more active throughout the exercise to ensure stability.

To perform dumbbell renegade rows it is recommended to use the hex dumbbells (which feature an edge that is flat). If you don’t, you’ll have to consider ways to ensure that the dumbbells don’t slide when you apply pressure. A yoga mat that is thick can occasionally be a good option.

Renegade rows are an excellent exercise for anyone seeking a plethora of exercises that engage a wide range of muscles.

B Stance Deadlift Dumbbell

B Stance Deadlift Dumbbell – WomensStrengthNation

B Stance deadlifts are also known as “kickstand deadlifts” are an excellent compound exercise that provides an intermediate between traditional deadlifts as well as the single-leg variant. The other leg is used as a “kickstand” to help aid in the movement and give the balance, yet not make a significant contribution to the workout. 

This means you can work each leg individually and is great for people who don’t have access to large dumbbells.

As compared to single-leg deadlifts The B stance variant needs less balance, so it should not be a factor that is limiting you, it could be the best way to strengthen the muscles (although we’d suggest that you do certain balance training when that’s the situation).

Our article on Deadlifts B Stance offers additional advice on how to perfect this move.

Dumbbell Side Plank

Dumbbell Side Plank – degreefitnessseaforth4420

A side plank can be a less-used exercise designed to improve your mid-section (abs as well as obliques, as well as lower back).

A side plank with a dumbbell makes it more difficult than traditional side planks. Therefore, be sure to practice the version that is based on body weight first.

A dumbbell can be placed on your waist to increase the weight or held vertically by stretching the arm (this makes it harder by causing more instability in the movement).

The side plank with dumbbells is a great method to work a variety of muscles in the upper part of the body which includes the lats, shoulders, obliques, and also the lower body.

Try to hold this position on both sides for a specific amount of time and repeat the exercise for 3 sets. In time, observe your progress.

Dumbbell Bird Dog

Dumbbell Bird Dog – 24Life

The dumbbell bird dog is an excellent exercise for strengthening the lower back and core muscles.

  • To do it, start by kneeling on the floor with a pair of dumbbells in front of you.
  • Place your hands on the dumbbells and extend one leg behind you, keeping the knee straight and the foot flexed.
  • At the same time, extend the opposite arm in front of you, keeping the elbow straight.
  • Hold this position for a moment, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement on the opposite side by extending the opposite arm and leg.
  • Aim for 10-12 reps on each side and as you progress, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells.
  • Remember to keep your core engaged and back neutral throughout the exercise to avoid any injury.
  • Make sure to breathe and move with control, not with momentum.
  • You can also perform this exercise with just one arm and one leg at a time, or with both arms and both legs at the same time.
  • To ensure proper form and technique, consult your trainer if you have any doubts.
  • Incorporate this exercise into your routine for a well-rounded lower back and core workout.

Adding Lower Back Exercises with Dumbbells into a Workout Routine

I suggest you add 2-3 exercises prescribed above to your lower body day. This matches well with the other lower-body exercises. Leaving you enough room to recover.

Adding back exercises with dumbbells into a workout routine can be a great way to target and strengthen the muscles in the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes.

To properly incorporate these exercises into your routine, it is important to start with a weight that is comfortable for you and gradually increase the weight as your strength improves.

It is also important to vary the exercises you do to target different muscle groups in the lower back and to make sure to include them in your overall workout plan.

Progressive overload is also important in building strength and muscle mass. This can be achieved by gradually increasing the weight, reps, and sets or by adding more challenging variations of the exercise.

As always, it’s important to pay attention to proper form and technique while performing the exercises to avoid injury. It is also advisable to consult with a personal trainer or physical therapist to design a workout routine that suits your specific needs and fitness level.

Safety Precautions and Considerations

Things to consider before doing these exercises:

Before starting any exercise, it’s important to make sure you are physically capable of performing the movements safely. This includes warming up properly and checking for any pre-existing injuries or conditions that may be exacerbated by the exercise.

Contraindications and precautions:

Some individuals should avoid certain exercises or modifications of exercises due to certain medical conditions or injuries.

Individuals with any injury, chronic lower back pain, or those having spinal issues may need to avoid exercises that involve flexing or extending the spine.

Also please do not use this guide, or our advice if you have no training experience.

Injuries and how to prevent them:

Performing lower back exercises with dumbbells, barbells, etc can be fatal if not performed correctly.

To avoid injury, it’s important to maintain proper form, use appropriate weight, and make small gradual changes and progress.

Keeping a spotter or trainer to watch your form and technique can help prevent unwanted accidents and injuries.

consult a trainer or doctor before doing any form of weight-bearing exercise:

Consultation with a trainer or doctor is especially important for those who are new to exercise or have pre-existing injuries or conditions.

A trainer or doctor can help create a safe and effective workout plan that takes into account any of your previous injuries or look after your body’s limitations.


What Muscles make up The “Lower” back?

The primary muscles that comprise”the “lower back” comprises of Multifidus, Erector Spinae, Spinalis, and Latissimus Dorsi.

What is the significance of lower Back Strength important?

A well-built lower back can help to strengthen the hips and spine. This improves posture and makes upper and lower body motions that engage the posterior chain less difficult. The weaker lower back, however, could cause discomfort, and pain and even be a hindrance to every kind of move.

Dumbbells Vs Barbells for Lower Back Exercises

Both dumbbells and barbells provide enough resistance to build muscle and develop strength. Dumbbells and barbells when combined can prove to be 2X more effective than just training with either one and can fill in the gaps created by the other.

Dumbbells can be used both in the gym or for training at home Barbells are typically used for traditional strength-based exercises like hip thrusts, RDLs, glute bridges, good mornings, and even back extensions. Just use equipment that you like training with and that are suitable for your body type. Your muscles don’t know and don’t care whether you are training them with dumbbells or barbells.

What is the best exercise to strengthen the lower Back?

There is no definitive “best” exercise to strengthen lower back muscles… the choice will depend on individual preferences, goals, and fitness level. There are bodyweight exercises such as side planks, bird dog, superman, and cat-cow these can be a good starting point.

As well as exercises like dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, and glute bridges which are more advanced and more effective in strengthening muscles.

How do you strengthen your lower back with dumbbells?

Performing a handful of compound exercises with dumbbells that target your lower back muscles can be fruitful in strengthening your low back muscles.

You can do exercises like –
Dumbbell Hip thrusts
Bird Dog Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Swings
Dumbbell Renegade Rows
B Stance Deadlift with Dumbbell
Dumbbell Weighted Planks
Dumbbell Bird Dog

What dumbbell exercises do target the lower back?

The dumbbell exercises that do target the lower back are –
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Good Mornings
Dumbbell Back Extensions
Dumbbell Hip thrusts
Bird Dog Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Swings
Dumbbell Renegade Rows
B Stance Deadlift with Dumbbell
Dumbbell Weighted Planks
Dumbbell Bird Dog

What are the five 5 exercises for strengthening the lower back?

The 5 exercises for strengthening the lower back
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Good Mornings
Dumbbell Back Extensions
Dumbbell or Barbell Hip thrusts

How do you fix a weak lower back?

1) Regular physical exercises
2) Sufficient amount of weight training exercises to strengthen and build up the lost muscle mass.
3) Building muscle and strength in the glutes.
4) Eating enough protein to support strength and muscle mass gain – roughly 1.6-2g per kilo of your body weight.
5) Taking enough rest and recovery to boost your workout results
6) Improving muscle flexibility can improve posture and thus improve your training level.

What causes a weak lower back?

1) Poor Lifestyle – Low physical activity or exercise can lead to low stimulation of the muscles – due to this rate of muscle loss increases as the body doesn’t feel the need to keep the muscle size and strength.

2) Lower back strains can occur when you are doing routine activities, like when working out or exercising. The most common causes and the risk factors for low back muscle strains are – Heavy lifting. The strain caused by weight lifting, twisting of the back, lifting off the ground, or lifting an object that is farther away from the body are all the most common causes of lower back strain.


As you can’t isolate your lower back muscles you need to train them with compound exercises that target the glutes and hamstrings, the lower back muscles work synergistically with the glutes and hamstring to perform hip extension and maintain a rigid posture while lifting.

Rapid muscle loss due to low physical activity and aging is what contributes to aches and pains.

If you have low back pain you can try strengthening it with regular physical activities, and frequent weight training sessions.

Once you start using our recommended lower back exercises with dumbbells you will start seeing improved lower back health, reduced pain, and visible difference in your lower body. In addition, this will prevent further muscle loss and will help you to build up the lost muscle mass and strength.

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