What are the best compound exercises to build muscles?

The best compound exercises to build muscles

Are you tired of spending hours at the gym without seeing the desired results from your bodybuilding programs? Look no further! If you’re searching for the best compound exercises to build muscles and strength, then incorporating body lifts and free weights into your routine is a game-changer.

Why settle for single-muscle workouts when you can engage different muscles simultaneously with compound exercises? These body lifts and free weights target various muscle groups in one movement, ensuring that no muscle is left behind. Not only does this promote overall strength, but it also accelerates muscle growth like never before.

By incorporating compound exercises into your strength training programs, you’ll witness unparalleled progress in your fitness journey. Say goodbye to tedious workouts that yield minimal results and embrace the power of body lifts, powerlifting, and push ups.

Get ready to transform your physique with these powerhouse movements that will leave you feeling stronger, fitter, and more confident than ever before. So let’s dive in and discover the world of compound exercises for building those muscles!

Now let’s explore some of the best compound exercises for powerlifting and deadlifts that will give powerlifters maximum gains in minimum time. These exercises include deadlifts, push ups, and other powerlifting movements.

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The Top 10 Compound Exercises for Maximum Gains

The Top 10 Compound Exercises for Maximum Gains
The Top 10 Compound Exercises for Maximum Gains

Compound exercises, such as deadlifts, are essential for powerlifters. These movements target major muscle groups and promote comprehensive growth. Incorporating a variety of compound exercises into your workout programs is crucial for balanced development and achieving fitness goals faster.

  1. Squats: Squats are a compound exercise that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. They are incredibly effective for building lower body strength and stability. Squats are a great addition to any compound exercises list or compound workouts.
  2. Deadlifts: Deadlifts are an excellent exercise for powerlifters. They primarily target the posterior chain muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and traps. This compound movement not only strengthens these muscles but also improves grip strength and overall power. Joint exercises like the barbell row can also benefit powerlifters.
  3. Bench Press: The bench press is a classic compound exercise that targets the chest, triceps, shoulders, and powerlifters. It is an excellent choice for developing upper body strength and enhancing muscular definition. Additionally, powerlifters often incorporate exercises like the deadlift and barbell row to further engage multiple muscle groups.
  4. Overhead Press: Also known as the military press, this compound lift exercise focuses on the deltoids (shoulder muscles) while engaging the triceps and upper back as secondary movers. Incorporating overhead presses and barbell rows into your routine can help you achieve well-rounded shoulder development, especially for powerlifters.
  5. Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: These bodyweight exercises work wonders for powerlifters, building upper body strength by targeting the lats (back muscles), biceps, and forearms. They also engage stabilizer muscles in your core and shoulders, which is beneficial for programs designed for powerlifters. Additionally, these exercises are often recommended to rowers and can be incorporated into workouts for our clients.
  6. Barbell hip thrusts are a compound exercise that primarily targets the glutes and hamstrings of powerlifters. This exercise is effective for building strength and muscle in the glutes, improving overall lower body power and stability in clients. Additionally, barbell hip thrusts can enhance athletic performance by improving hip extension.
  7. Bent-Over Rows: Bent-over rows are an excellent exercise for strengthening the upper back and engaging multiple muscle groups. They are an effective exercise for targeting the lats, rhomboids, biceps, and rear deltoids, making them a valuable addition to any compound exercises list.
  8. Dips: Dips are a compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders for muscle gain. They can be performed using parallel bars or even a bench to effectively build pushing strength for clients. This exercise also helps strengthen the joint.
  9. The Clean and Press is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the body, making it highly effective for building strength, power, and overall muscle development. This exercise primarily works the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It also engages the core muscles for stability and the shoulders, upper back, and arms for pressing movement. The Clean and Press is a great choice for clients looking to improve their fitness levels.
  10. Bulgarian Split Squat: The Bulgarian Split Squat is a highly effective compound exercise targeting the lower body. It is suitable for all fitness levels and provides benefits such as strength, balance, and flexibility for clients. Start with one foot forward and the other elevated behind you. Lower into a lunge position, then push through the front heel to return.

Incorporating these top compound exercises into your workout routine will provide you with a solid foundation for achieving maximum gains in both strength and size.

Remember to prioritize proper form and gradually increase weights as you progress to ensure optimal results for your clients. So why wait? Start incorporating these compound exercises into your training regimen today and watch your strength gains soar!

Barbell Squat: Leg Development and Full-Body Strength

Barbell squats are widely regarded as one of the best compound exercises for building muscles, specifically targeting leg development and promoting full-body strength. This exercise engages various muscle groups in the lower body, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, resulting in overall muscular growth and improved strength.

Squats are a compound exercise that should be included in your workout routine. Incorporating barbell squats into your training regimen can lead to significant gains in size and strength. This exercise is highly beneficial for your legs and overall fitness. Here’s why squats should be on your compound exercises list.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Perform the Barbell Squat

Performing the barbell squat is an excellent exercise that is essential for maximizing leg development, full-body strength, and joint exercise. Follow these steps to ensure proper form and technique for an effective exercise.

How to Perform the Barbell Squat – Jeff Nippard
  1. Set up the barbell: Start by placing the barbell on a squat rack at about shoulder height. This is an excellent exercise. Make sure the bar is evenly loaded with weights on both sides.
  2. Position yourself: Stand facing the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position yourself under the barbell so that it rests on your upper traps or the back of your shoulders.
  3. Grip the bar: Reach up and grip the bar with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your palms should be facing forward, and your elbows should be pointing down and slightly back.
  4. Unrack the bar: Push up with your legs to unrack the bar, taking a step or two back to clear the squat rack. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground, and your core is engaged.
  5. Set your stance: Position your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outward. This will help with stability and balance throughout the movement.
  6. Initiate the squat: Begin the squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Keep your chest up and your gaze forward throughout the movement.
  7. Descend into the squat: Lower your body by bending your knees and hips simultaneously. Aim to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below. Keep your knees aligned with your toes and avoid letting them cave in.
  8. Drive through your heels: Push through your heels to drive yourself back up to the starting position. Keep your core tight and maintain control throughout the movement.
  9. Repeat for desired reps: Continue performing the barbell squat for your desired number of repetitions. Remember to maintain proper form and technique throughout the entire set.
  10. Rack the bar: Once you have completed your set, carefully walk

Incorporating barbell squats into your fitness routine can yield remarkable results in terms of leg development and overall strength gains. By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promoting full-body stability, this compound exercise provides a solid foundation for building muscle mass and enhancing athletic performance.

Engaging the Entire Lower Body

When performing barbell squats, you activate multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The primary focus is on the quadriceps or front thigh muscles. As you descend into a squatting position, these muscles contract to support your body weight against gravity. Simultaneously, the hamstrings at the back of your thighs also engage to provide stability during the movement.

Barbell squats effectively target the gluteal muscles or buttocks. These powerful muscles play a crucial role in hip extension and contribute significantly to explosive movements such as jumping or sprinting. By regularly performing squats with proper form, you can strengthen and develop your glutes while enhancing their functionality.

Promoting Full-Body Strength and Stability

While barbell squats primarily focus on leg development, they also stimulate core muscles throughout the movement. Your core acts as a stabilizer during squatting exercises by maintaining balance and providing support to your spine.

Engaging your core during squats not only enhances stability but also promotes full-body strength. A strong core is essential for various activities beyond lifting weights; it improves posture, reduces the risk of injuries, and enhances overall athletic performance.

So why wait? Grab that barbell and get ready to power up those legs!

Deadlift: Building Overall Power and Muscularity

Deadlifts are one of the best compound exercises to build muscles, as they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. When performing deadlifts, you target your back, legs, and arms, making it a highly effective exercise for developing overall power and muscularity.

Incorporating deadlifts into your routine can greatly enhance functional strength. Unlike isolation exercises that focus on specific muscles, deadlifts require the coordination of various muscle groups to perform the movement correctly. This not only improves your body strength but also enhances your overall strength in day-to-day activities.

One of the reasons why deadlifts are so effective is because they involve lifting heavy weights. Powerlifting enthusiasts often include deadlifts in their training routines since this exercise allows them to lift maximal weights while engaging multiple muscle groups. By challenging yourself with heavy loads during deadlifts, you stimulate significant muscle growth and gain.

Another aspect of deadlifting that contributes to its effectiveness is grip strength. As you lift heavy weights off the ground, your grip plays a crucial role in maintaining control over the barbell or dumbbells. Regularly performing deadlifts can significantly improve your grip strength, which has practical applications in various sports and daily activities.

Furthermore, incorporating deadlifts into your workout routine promotes functional fitness. Functional fitness refers to exercises that mimic real-life movements and improve your ability to perform everyday tasks more efficiently. Deadlifting requires proper form and technique, simulating movements like lifting objects from the ground or picking up groceries.

To get started with deadlifting, follow these steps:

Step-by-step deadlift Tutorial: Jeremy Ethier
  1. Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place a barbell in front of you on the ground.
  3. Bend at the hips and knees while keeping your back straight.
  4. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  5. Engage your core and lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees.
  6. Keep the barbell close to your body as you stand up straight.
  7. Lower the barbell back down to the ground with controlled movement.

Remember, it’s essential to maintain proper form throughout each repetition to avoid injury and maximize the benefits of deadlifting. If you’re new to deadlifts or unsure about your technique, consider seeking guidance from a qualified strength training professional.

Bench Press: Chest and Upper Body Mass Builder

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing the Bench Press Exercise:

Guide to Performing the Bench Press
  1. Start by lying flat on a bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground and your back pressed against the bench. Ensure that your head, shoulders, and buttocks are in contact with the bench throughout the exercise.
  2. Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the barbell, with your palms facing forward. Grip the bar firmly, making sure your wrists are straight and aligned with your forearms.
  3. Take a deep breath and unrack the barbell, holding it directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is your starting position.
  4. Lower the barbell slowly towards your chest, while keeping your elbows tucked close to your body. Aim to bring the barbell to the middle of your chest or just below your nipple line.
  5. Pause for a brief moment when the barbell touches your chest, and then push it back up to the starting position by extending your arms. Exhale as you exert force and push the barbell away from your chest.
  6. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining control and proper form throughout. Remember to keep your core engaged and your back firmly pressed against the bench.
  7. Once you have completed your set, carefully rack the barbell back onto the bench press rack.


  • Start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form. Gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable and stronger.
  • Warm up your muscles with some light cardio and dynamic stretches before starting the bench press.
  • Always have a spotter or use a safety rack when lifting heavy weights to ensure your safety.
  • Focus on maintaining a slow and controlled movement throughout the exercise, rather than rushing through the repetitions.
  • Incorporate variations of the bench press, such as incline or decline bench press, to target different areas of your chest and upper body.

The bench press is undeniably one of the best compound exercises to build muscle mass, particularly in the chest and upper body. Let’s dive into why this exercise is so effective and how it can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Building Chest Muscles (Pectoralis Major)

One of the primary benefits of bench pressing is its ability to target and develop the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major. This large muscle group plays a crucial role in various pushing movements, making it essential for overall upper body strength. By consistently incorporating bench presses into your workout routine, you can effectively stimulate muscle growth in your chest.

Targeting Triceps and Shoulders

While primarily known for its impact on the chest muscles, the bench press also engages other key muscle groups such as the triceps and shoulders. As you lower the barbell towards your chest, your triceps work to extend your arms back to their starting position during each repetition. Your shoulders play a significant role in stabilizing the weight throughout the movement. By including bench presses in your training regimen, you can effectively enhance both triceps and shoulder development.

Improved Pushing Strength

Regularly performing bench presses not only helps build muscle mass but also improves overall pushing strength across different movements.

Whether it’s pushing heavy objects or engaging in sports that require upper body strength like basketball or football, a stronger chest will undoubtedly give you an advantage.

The compound nature of this exercise allows for greater activation of multiple muscles simultaneously, leading to increased functional strength.

To maximize the benefits of bench pressing, consider incorporating variations such as incline bench presses or close grip bench presses into your routine.

These variations target specific areas within the chest muscles while still providing an excellent overall workout for building upper body mass.

In addition to these points about bench press effectiveness, it’s worth noting that proper form and technique are crucial to prevent injury and optimize results. Always ensure you have a spotter or use appropriate safety equipment, especially when lifting heavy weights.

So, if you’re looking to build muscle mass in your chest, triceps, and shoulders while improving pushing strength, the bench press is an exercise you should definitely incorporate into your training routine. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident in your form. With consistency and dedication, you’ll soon see the benefits of this powerful compound exercise.

Now that we’ve explored the significant advantages of bench pressing for muscle growth in the upper body, let’s move on to other compound exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Barbell Row: Strengthening the Back and Improving Posture

Barbell rows are an excellent compound exercise that primarily targets the back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi, while also engaging other supporting muscles. Incorporating barbell rows into your routine can have numerous benefits, including strengthening the back, improving posture, and reducing the risk of injury.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Perform the Barbell Row

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Perform the Barbell Row: @MindPumpTV
  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Place the barbell on the ground in front of you.
  2. Bend your knees and hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight and chest lifted. Reach down and grip the barbell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Engage your core and pull your shoulder blades back and down, creating a strong and stable upper body position.
  4. Begin the movement by driving your elbows back, and pulling the barbell up towards your lower chest. Keep your arms close to your body throughout the movement.
  5. As you pull the barbell up, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together and engaging your back muscles. This will help to strengthen your back and improve your posture.
  6. Once the barbell reaches your lower chest, pause for a moment and squeeze your back muscles even more.
  7. Slowly lower the barbell back down to the starting position, maintaining control and keeping your back straight.
  8. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for 8-12 reps to start.


  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and protect your lower back.
  • Avoid using momentum to lift the barbell. Focus on controlled movements and proper form.
  • If you’re new to the barbell row, start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident with the movement.
  • Remember to breathe throughout the exercise, inhaling as you lower the barbell and exhaling as you pull it up.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively perform the barbell row to strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.

Strengthening the Back

One of the main advantages of performing barbell rows is their ability to target and strengthen the back muscles. As you pull the bar towards your chest, your latissimus dorsi muscles contract, working in conjunction with other muscles such as rhomboids and trapezius.

This movement not only helps build muscle mass but also enhances overall back strength.

By regularly incorporating barbell rows into your workout routine, you can develop a strong and resilient upper back. A stronger upper back provides stability for various daily activities and sports performance.

It also contributes to improved posture by counteracting the forward shoulder position often associated with sedentary lifestyles.

Improving Posture

In today’s modern world where many individuals spend long hours sitting at desks or hunched over electronic devices, poor posture has become increasingly prevalent. Barbell rows offer an effective solution to combat this issue.

Performing barbell rows requires maintaining proper form throughout each repetition. This means keeping your spine neutral and avoiding excessive rounding or arching of the back.

By consistently practicing this exercise with the correct technique, you can reinforce good postural habits that carry over into everyday life.

A strong upper back developed through barbell rows helps support an upright posture by pulling the shoulders backward and downward. Improved posture not only enhances physical appearance but also reduces strain on the spine and decreases discomfort associated with slouching.

Balanced Upper Body Development

While targeting primarily the back muscles, barbell rows engage several other muscle groups in both the upper body and posterior chain. The posterior chain includes muscles such as the erector spinae, glutes, and hamstrings.

By incorporating barbell rows into your workout routine, you promote a balanced development of the upper body. This exercise complements other compound movements like the barbell bench press, which primarily targets the chest and triceps.

Balancing pushing exercises with pulling exercises helps prevent muscle imbalances that can lead to poor posture and increased risk of injury.

To ensure a well-rounded upper body workout, consider combining barbell rows with other exercises that target different muscle groups. For instance, pairing barbell rows with upright rows can engage the deltoids and biceps while continuing to strengthen the back.

This combination creates a comprehensive routine that promotes overall strength and muscular balance.

Overhead Press: Developing Strong Shoulders and Upper Body Stability

The overhead press, also known as the shoulder press, is one of the best compound exercises to build muscles in your upper body.

This exercise primarily targets the shoulder muscles, specifically the anterior deltoids, while also engaging other stabilizer muscles such as the triceps and core.

By incorporating the overhead press into your workout routine, you can develop strong and well-rounded shoulders while improving upper body stability.

One of the key benefits of performing the overhead press is its ability to target and strengthen the shoulder muscles. The anterior deltoids play a crucial role in various upper body movements, including pushing and lifting motions.

By regularly performing this exercise, you can effectively isolate and work these muscles, leading to increased strength and definition.

In addition to targeting specific muscle groups, the overhead press also enhances overall upper body stability. As you lift a weight over your head, your core muscles engage to maintain balance and control throughout the movement.

This not only strengthens your core but also improves stability in other daily activities that require upper body strength and coordination.

What sets the overhead press apart from other shoulder exercises is its emphasis on functional strength. Functional strength refers to how well your muscles perform in real-life situations or activities outside of the gym.

By incorporating compound exercises like overhead pressing into your routine, you are training multiple muscle groups simultaneously to work together harmoniously during everyday tasks such as lifting heavy objects or reaching for items on high shelves.

To perform an overhead press correctly:

Learn to do the overhead press (OHP) correctly:
  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell or dumbbells at shoulder height.
  2. Engage your core by tightening your abdominal muscles.
  3. Press the weight directly above your head until your arms are fully extended.
  4. Lower the weight back down to shoulder height with control.
  5. Repeat for several reps according to your fitness level.

It’s important to start with lighter weights when beginning the overhead press to ensure proper form and avoid injury. As you progress, gradually increase the weight to continue challenging your muscles and promoting muscle growth.

Pull-Ups: A Compound Exercise for a Sculpted Back and Arms

Pull-ups are an excellent compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, primarily focusing on the back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi. Pull-ups engage other upper body muscles such as the biceps, forearms, and core.

By regularly incorporating pull-ups into your workout routine, you can achieve a sculpted back and defined arms.

One of the key benefits of pull-ups is their ability to improve upper body pulling strength. Unlike exercises like push-ups or bicep curls that primarily isolate specific muscle groups, compound lifts like pull-ups require coordinated effort from various muscles simultaneously. This not only helps in building overall strength but also enhances muscle coordination.

When performing a pull-up, you are not just targeting your back muscles; you’re also engaging your biceps and forearms. The pulling motion involved in executing a pull-up activates these muscles as well. As a result, you’ll develop stronger biceps and more defined forearms over time.

In addition to targeting the primary muscle groups mentioned above, pull-ups also work several accessory muscles such as the triceps, glutes, and traps. These secondary muscle groups play a supportive role during the exercise and contribute to overall upper body development.

Another advantage of compound exercises like pull-ups is their ability to stimulate multiple muscle fibers simultaneously. This leads to greater muscular adaptation and growth compared to isolation exercises that target specific muscles only.

To perform a proper pull-up:

Proper pull-up Tutorial: @MindPumpTV
  1. Start by gripping an overhead bar with your palms facing away from you.
  2. Hang freely with your arms fully extended.
  3. Engage your core and initiate the movement by pulling yourself up towards the bar.
  4. Continue until your chin is above or at least level with the bar.
  5. Slowly lower yourself back down with control until your arms are fully extended again.
  6. Repeat for desired repetitions.

To make pull-ups more challenging, you can try variations such as wide grip pull-ups or weighted pull-ups. These variations emphasize different muscle groups and provide additional stimulus for growth.

Dips: Increasing Upper Body Strength and Muscle Definition

Step-by-step guide on how to perform dips:

Step-by-step guide on how to perform dips
  1. Start by positioning yourself between parallel bars or dip bars. Place your hands on the bars, gripping them firmly with your palms facing inward.
  2. Lift your body off the ground by straightening your arms. Your arms should be fully extended, and your feet should be off the ground. This is your starting position.
  3. Slowly lower your body by bending your elbows. Keep your elbows close to your body and your torso upright throughout the movement.
  4. Continue lowering your body until your shoulders are below your elbows or until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders.
  5. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the movement, then push yourself back up by straightening your arms. Focus on using your chest and triceps muscles to push yourself back up.
  6. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
  7. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise, exhaling as you push yourself up and inhaling as you lower your body.
  8. If you are a beginner or find it challenging to perform dips with your full body weight, you can modify the exercise by keeping your feet on the ground and bending your knees. This will reduce the resistance and make the exercise easier.
  9. As you become more comfortable and stronger, you can progress to performing dips with additional weight by using a weight belt or holding a dumbbell between your legs.
  10. Always listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. It’s essential to maintain proper form and avoid overexertion to prevent injury.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively perform dips to increase your upper body strength and muscle definition. Remember to start with proper form and gradually increase the difficulty as you progress.

Dips are an excellent compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders while also engaging other supporting muscles. This versatile movement is highly effective for increasing upper body strength and muscle definition.

By incorporating dips into your routine, you can enhance pushing power and achieve an overall aesthetic upper body.

When performing dips, the focus is on utilizing your own body weight as resistance. This makes it a convenient exercise that can be done anywhere with the aid of parallel bars or even sturdy furniture at home.

The controlled downward movement engages the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major and minor, which are responsible for the horizontal adduction of the arms.

Dips activate the triceps brachii located at the back of your upper arm. These muscles play a crucial role in extending the elbow joint during dip movements.

One significant advantage of dips is their ability to target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Apart from working on your chest and triceps, dips engage various shoulder muscles such as the deltoids.

These triangular-shaped muscles contribute to shoulder abduction and rotation while providing stability during dipping motions. Moreover, other supporting muscles like the rhomboids in your upper back and lower traps assist in maintaining proper form throughout each repetition.

Here are some key benefits of incorporating dips into your workout routine:

  1. Upper Body Strength: Dips are an effective way to build overall upper body strength due to their emphasis on pushing movements involving multiple muscle groups.
  2. Muscle Definition: By targeting various upper body muscles simultaneously, including those in the chest, triceps, and shoulders, dips can significantly enhance muscle definition.
  3. Deltoid Development: The engagement of the deltoids during dips helps in developing well-rounded shoulder muscles, contributing to an aesthetically pleasing upper body.
  4. Pushing Power: Regularly performing dips can improve your pushing power, making activities like push-ups and bench presses more manageable and effective.
  5. Versatility: Dips can be modified to suit different fitness levels by adjusting the angle or adding resistance using a weight belt or chains.

Clean and Press

The clean and press is a compound exercise that combines the elements of deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. It is a highly effective movement that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it one of the best exercises for building muscles.

When performing the clean and press, you start by gripping the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The first part of the movement involves explosively pulling the barbell from the floor to your shoulders in one smooth motion. This initial “clean” phase primarily works your lower body muscles such as your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.

Once you have successfully cleaned the weight to shoulder level, you transition into the “press” phase. This involves pressing the barbell overhead until your arms are fully extended. During this phase, your deltoids (shoulder muscles), triceps, and upper back come into play. Your core muscles engage to stabilize your body throughout the movement.

Incorporating clean and press exercises into your routine challenges coordination while promoting total-body development. It requires precise timing and technique to execute each step correctly. As a result, not only do you build strength and power but also improve overall athleticism.

One great way to incorporate clean and press into your workout routine is by using a machine called a Smith machine. The Smith machine provides stability during the movement while still allowing for proper form execution. This can be especially beneficial if you’re new to lifting or have any pre-existing injuries that may limit your range of motion.

To get started with clean and press:

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform the Clean and Press Exercise:

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on the floor in front of you.
  2. Bend your knees and lower your body into a squat position, gripping the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Keep your back straight and chest lifted as you lift the barbell off the floor, extending your hips and knees explosively to generate power.
  4. As the barbell reaches your mid-thigh, quickly pull your elbows up and out to the sides, bringing the barbell up to your shoulders.
  5. Once the barbell is at shoulder level, quickly drop into a partial squat and then explosively drive your feet into the ground to push the barbell overhead.
  6. As the barbell reaches the top, fully extend your arms and press the weight overhead until your arms are straight and the barbell is directly above your head.
  7. Lower the barbell back down to your shoulders and then control the descent as you bring it back down to the starting position.
  8. Repeat the clean and press exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Note: It is important to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, focusing on explosiveness and controlled movements. Start with lighter weights to practice the technique before gradually increasing the load.

Additionally, if you are new to this exercise, it is recommended to seek guidance from a qualified fitness professional to ensure proper execution and prevent injury.

The clean and press is a fantastic compound exercise that targets various muscle groups, making it an excellent choice for those looking to build strength and muscle mass.

By incorporating this movement into your routine, you’ll be able to work multiple areas of your body simultaneously while challenging yourself with heavier loads over time.

So, if you’re ready to take your workouts to the next level, give clean and press a try!

Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell hip thrusts are an exceptional compound exercise that specifically targets the gluteal muscles, commonly known as the glutes.

This exercise is highly effective in building strong and powerful glutes while improving hip extension power. Incorporating barbell hip thrusts into your routine will undoubtedly enhance your lower body strength.

The primary focus of barbell hip thrusts is to engage and activate the glutes. Unlike other exercises that may also involve the hamstrings or quadriceps, this movement primarily isolates the glute muscles.

By placing a heavy load on the hips, you can effectively stimulate muscle growth in this area.

To perform barbell hip thrusts, follow these steps:

Learn To perform barbell hip thrusts

1) Sit on the floor with your back against a bench, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground.

2) Place a barbell across your hips.

3) Engage your glutes and push through your heels to lift your hips off the ground.

4) Squeeze your glutes at the top and slowly lower your hips back down. Repeat for desired reps.

One advantage of barbell hip thrusts is that they allow you to work through a full range of motion while targeting specific muscle groups. The exercise activates not only the glutes but also engages other supporting muscles such as the hamstrings and hip flexors.

It’s important to note that proper form is crucial when performing barbell hip thrusts to avoid injury or strain on other muscle groups. Ensure that you maintain a 90-degree angle at both your knees and hips throughout each repetition. This angle optimizes tension on the targeted muscles while minimizing stress on surrounding joints.

Incorporating variations into your routine can further intensify this exercise. For instance, using resistance bands or incorporating pauses at different points during the movement can increase the challenge and stimulate muscle growth even further.

To summarize, barbell hip thrusts are an excellent compound exercise for building strong glutes and improving lower body strength. By specifically targeting the gluteal muscles and ensuring proper form, you can maximize the benefits of this exercise.

So, if you’re looking to enhance your posterior chain and develop powerful glutes, don’t overlook the effectiveness of barbell hip thrusts in your training regimen.

Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian split squat is a highly effective compound exercise that targets the leg muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. This exercise not only helps in building muscle strength but also engages stabilizing muscles for enhanced balance and stability.

Incorporating Bulgarian split squats into your routine can lead to well-rounded leg development and improved overall fitness.

One of the significant benefits of performing Bulgarian split squats is their ability to target specific leg muscles while engaging stabilizers. Unlike regular squats that work both legs simultaneously, this exercise isolates each leg individually.

By doing so, it helps correct any muscle imbalances between the left and right legs, ensuring equal strength development.

In addition to targeting specific leg muscles, Bulgarian split squats also contribute to improved balance and unilateral leg strength.

Since you are standing on one leg at a time during this exercise, your body needs to engage various stabilizing muscles to maintain proper form and prevent tipping over. Over time, this can greatly enhance your overall balance and stability.

Flexibility is another area where Bulgarian split squats excel. This exercise requires you to perform a deep lunge with one foot elevated behind you on a bench or step.

As you lower yourself down into the squat position, your hip flexors are stretched significantly. Regularly incorporating this exercise into your workout routine can lead to increased flexibility in these areas over time.

To perform the Bulgarian split squat correctly:

Tutorial to perform the Bulgarian split squat correctly:
  1. Stand with your back facing away from a bench or step.
  2. Place the top of one foot on the bench behind you.
  3. Take a step forward with your other foot.
  4. Lower yourself down by bending both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.
  5. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions before switching sides.

When performing Bulgarian split squats, it’s crucial to maintain proper form to maximize the benefits and prevent injury. Keep your torso upright, engage your core muscles, and ensure that your front knee stays in line with your toes throughout the movement.

Sample Workout Program:

The sample workout program provided here offers a structured plan that effectively incorporates compound exercises to help you build muscles. This program takes into account sets, reps, and rest periods to optimize muscle growth while allowing for proper recovery.

By following this program, you can efficiently work towards achieving your muscle-building goals.

Compound exercises are an essential part of any effective workout routine as they engage multiple major muscle groups simultaneously. This not only saves time but also ensures that you are targeting various muscles in your body workout.

The example training program focuses on compound movements that involve core strength and the use of weights.

To begin with, it is important to understand the concept behind compound exercises and their benefits. These exercises involve movement patterns that activate several specific muscles at once, making them highly efficient for building overall strength and muscle mass.

Unlike isolation exercises that target only one specific muscle group, compound exercises engage multiple muscles in a coordinated effort.

The example workout program is designed to be performed over a span of several days, allowing for adequate rest and recovery between sessions. It includes a variety of compound exercises that target different major muscle groups in each session. This approach ensures balanced development throughout your body while preventing overuse injuries.

Here’s a breakdown of how the example training program is structured:

Beginner Workout Plan:

Day 1Day 2Day 3
Barbell Squat 3×10Barbell Hip Thrust 3×10Barbell Squat 3×10
Barbell Bench Press 3×10Dips 3×10Barbell Bench Press 3×10
Barbell Rows 3×10Lat Pulldowns 3×10Barbell Rows 3×10
Plank 3x30sPlank 3x30sPlank 3x30s
Beginner Workout Plan:

Intermediate Workout Plan:

Day 1Day 2Day 3
Barbell Squat 4×8Barbell Deadlift 4×8Barbell Squat 4×8
Barbell Bench Press 4×8Bulgarian Split Squat 3×10/legBarbell Bench Press 4×8
Barbell Rows 4×8Clean and Press 3×8Barbell Rows 4×8
Dips 3×10Pull-ups 3×8Dips 3×10
Intermediate Workout Plan:

Advanced Workout Plan:

Day 1Day 2Day 3
Barbell Squat 5×5Barbell Deadlift 5×5Barbell Squat 5×5
Barbell Bench Press 5×5Barbell Hip Thrust 3×8Barbell Bench Press 5×5
Barbell Rows 5×5Clean and Press 3×6Barbell Rows 5×5
Overhead Press 3×8Pull-ups 3xMaxDips 3xMax
Advanced Workout Plan:

Remember to adjust the weights, sets, and reps based on your individual fitness level and capabilities. It’s always recommended to consult with a qualified strength training coach or fitness professional to ensure proper form and safety during your workouts.

This example program is just one of many possible bodybuilding programs you can follow. It serves as a starting point to help you understand the importance of compound exercises and how they can be incorporated into your training routine.

Remember, it’s crucial to maintain proper form throughout each exercise to maximize results and minimize the risk of injury.

In addition to muscle building, compound exercises also contribute to calorie burn due to their high-intensity nature. By engaging multiple muscles simultaneously, these exercises increase your heart rate and metabolic demand, leading to greater energy expenditure.

To sum up, incorporating compound exercises into your workout routine is key for building muscles effectively. The example training program provided above offers a structured approach that targets major muscle groups while ensuring proper recovery.

Whether you choose this specific program or opt for other training programs, make sure to prioritize compound movements in your strength training regimen for optimal results.

Compound Exercises vs Isolation Exercises: Which is Better for Muscle Building?

Compound exercises and isolation exercises are two distinct approaches to strength training that offer different benefits. Understanding the differences between these exercise types can help you determine which approach suits your goals best.

Benefits of Compound Exercises for Overall Muscle Development

Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups and joints, making them highly effective for overall muscle development. By engaging various muscles simultaneously, compound exercises allow you to lift heavier weights and stimulate greater muscle growth.

One significant advantage of compound exercises is their ability to mimic real-life movements. These functional movements not only build strength but also improve coordination and stability, enhancing your performance in daily activities or sports.

For example, squats engage the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles, providing a comprehensive lower body workout.

Another benefit of compound exercises is their efficiency. Since they target multiple muscle groups at once, you can complete a full-body workout in less time compared to isolation work.

This aspect makes compound exercises ideal for individuals with limited time for exercise or those aiming for maximum results with minimal effort.

Some popular compound exercises include:

  • Deadlifts: Targets the back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps.
  • Bench Press: Engages the chest muscles (pectoralis major), triceps.
  • Shoulder Press: Works the deltoids (shoulder muscles), triceps.
  • Pull-Ups: Activates the back muscles (latissimus dorsi), biceps.

The Role of Isolation Exercises in Targeting Specific Muscles

While compound exercises provide numerous benefits for overall muscle development, isolation exercises have their place in a well-rounded training program.

As the name suggests, isolation movements focus on targeting specific muscles without involving other surrounding muscle groups or joints.

Isolation exercises can be particularly useful for correcting muscular imbalances or developing lagging muscles. By isolating a specific muscle, you can concentrate on strengthening it individually, ensuring balanced muscular development.

For example, bicep curls specifically target the biceps, helping to build arm strength and size.

Isolation exercises allow for more precise targeting of muscles that may not be sufficiently engaged during compound movements. By incorporating isolation work into your routine, you can address any areas that require extra attention or bring out more definition in specific muscle groups.

Some popular isolation exercises include:

  • Bicep Curls: Focuses on the biceps.
  • Tricep Extensions: Targets the triceps.
  • Leg Extensions: Isolates the quadriceps.
  • Calf Raises: Works the calf muscles.

Determining Which Approach Suits Your Goals

When deciding between compound exercises and isolation exercises for muscle building, it’s essential to consider your goals and individual circumstances. Here are a few factors to help guide your decision:

  1. Overall Muscle Development: If you aim to build strength and size in multiple muscle groups simultaneously while improving functional movement patterns, compound exercises should form the foundation of your training program.
  2. Muscle Imbalances or Specific Targets: If you have noticeable muscular imbalances or desire greater emphasis on certain muscles for aesthetic purposes, incorporating isolation exercises alongside compound movements can help address these needs.
  3. Time Constraints: If time is a significant constraint in your fitness routine, focusing primarily on compound exercises allows you to maximize efficiency by engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Pros and Cons of Compound Lifts: Understanding the Benefits and Limitations

Compound lifts, also known as compound exercises or compound movements, are a popular choice for individuals looking to build muscle. These exercises involve multiple joints and muscle groups, making them efficient and effective for achieving overall strength gains.

However, it’s important to understand both the benefits and limitations of compound lifts before incorporating them into your workout routine.

Advantages of Compound Lifts

  1. Time Efficiency: One of the major advantages of compound lifts is their time efficiency. Since these exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, you can work out more muscles in less time compared to isolation exercises that target only one specific muscle group at a time. This makes compound lifts an excellent choice for those with limited time to spend at the gym.
  2. Functional Strength Gains: Compound lifts mimic real-life movements and promote functional strength gains. By engaging multiple muscles and joints together, these exercises improve coordination and enhance overall body stability. This not only helps in daily activities but also translates into improved performance in sports or other physical activities.
  3. Muscle Mass Development: Compound lifts are highly effective for building muscle mass due to their ability to recruit several muscle groups at once. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups stimulate significant muscle growth by targeting large areas such as the legs, back, chest, and shoulders.
  4. Hormonal Response: Another benefit of compound lifting is its impact on hormonal response within the body. These exercises often require heavy weights or high resistance which triggers the release of anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone. These hormones play a crucial role in promoting muscle growth and repair.

Potential Limitations of Compound Lifts

  1. Skill Requirements: While compound lifts offer numerous benefits, they may require proper technique and form execution to avoid injury effectively. Performing these exercises incorrectly can put excessive strain on certain muscles or joints leading to discomfort or even injury. It is essential to learn the proper form and seek guidance from a qualified trainer or coach when starting compound lifts.
  2. Increased Risk of Injury: Due to their demanding nature, compound lifts can carry a higher risk of injury compared to isolation exercises. The involvement of multiple muscle groups means that any weakness or imbalance in those areas can potentially lead to injuries if not addressed properly. It is crucial to prioritize safety by using appropriate weights, warming up adequately, and listening to your body’s signals during workouts.
  3. Limited Muscle Isolation: While compound lifts are excellent for overall strength gains and muscle development, they may not target specific muscles as effectively as isolation exercises do. If you have specific muscle imbalances or aesthetic goals, incorporating some isolation exercises alongside compound lifts can help address those needs more directly.
  4. Not Suitable for Everyone: Compound lifts may not be suitable for everyone depending on individual circumstances such as pre-existing injuries or certain medical conditions. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating these exercises into your routine if you have any concerns about your physical health.

Understanding both the benefits and limitations of compound lifts allows you to make informed decisions when designing your workout program.

By incorporating these exercises strategically while considering your goals and individual circumstances, you can maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks associated with compound lifting.

Remember, always prioritize safety and listen to your body throughout your fitness journey.

Incorporating These Compound Exercises Into Your Routine

Incorporating These Compound Exercises Into Your Routine
Incorporating These Compound Exercises Into Your Routine

If you’re looking to build muscle effectively, incorporating compound exercises into your routine is a must. These exercises target multiple joints and muscle groups simultaneously, allowing you to work out more efficiently and effectively.

To start off, it’s important to begin with a few key movements and gradually add more as you progress. This approach allows your body to adapt and prevents overwhelming yourself with too many new exercises at once. Here are some excellent compound exercises that you can start with:

  1. Squats: This compound movement targets the lower body, engaging muscles in the legs, glutes, and core. Focus on maintaining proper form by keeping your chest up, knees aligned with your toes, and lowering down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  2. Deadlifts: Deadlifts work the entire posterior chain of muscles including the back, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Keep your back straight throughout the movement and lift using your legs rather than relying solely on your lower back.
  3. Bench Press: The bench press primarily targets the chest muscles but also engages the shoulders and triceps. Lie flat on a bench with feet firmly planted on the ground for stability. Lower the barbell towards your chest while keeping elbows at a 45-degree angle before pushing it back up.

Once you have mastered these foundational compound movements, you can expand your repertoire by incorporating other effective exercises such as lunges, bent-over rows, shoulder presses, or pull-ups.

While performing compound exercises is crucial for building muscle mass effectively, it’s equally important to prioritize proper form throughout each movement pattern. Maintaining correct technique not only ensures optimal muscle activation but also minimizes the risk of injury.

Progression plays a key role in maximizing results from compound workouts. As you become comfortable with certain weights or repetitions, gradually increase the intensity to continue challenging your muscles. This can be achieved by adding more weight, increasing the number of sets or reps, or reducing rest periods between sets.

Recovery is another essential aspect to consider when incorporating compound exercises into your routine. Since these exercises engage multiple joints and muscle groups, they can place significant stress on your body.

Allowing adequate rest and recovery time between workouts is crucial for muscle repair and growth.


In conclusion, the best compound exercises to build muscles are a combination of the top 10 exercises mentioned earlier. These exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to maximum gains and overall strength development.

By incorporating compound exercises such as barbell squats, deadlifts, bench presses, barbell rows, overhead presses, pull-ups, dips, clean and press, barbell hip thrusts, and Bulgarian split squats into your workout routine, you can effectively stimulate muscle growth and enhance your physique.

Compound exercises offer several advantages over isolation exercises. They provide functional strength that translates into real-life activities and sports performance. They engage more muscles at once, allowing you to work out efficiently in less time.

It is important to note that while compound exercises are highly effective for muscle building, they should be performed with proper form and technique to prevent injury.

If you’re new to these movements or unsure about correct execution, consider consulting a qualified fitness professional for guidance.

To optimize your results with compound exercises:

  1. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable.
  2. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout each exercise.
  3. Incorporate progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight or repetitions over time.
  4. Allow adequate rest and recovery between workouts to allow your muscles to repair and grow.
  5. Combine compound exercises with a balanced diet that includes sufficient protein for muscle repair and growth.

Remember that consistency is key. Stay committed to your workout routine and make adjustments as needed based on your individual goals.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the best compound exercises for building muscles along with their benefits and limitations, it’s time to take action! Start incorporating these compound movements into your workouts today and watch as your strength and physique transform.


Q: How often should I perform compound exercises?

A: The frequency of performing compound exercises depends on your fitness level and goals. It is generally recommended to include them in your routine 2-3 times per week, allowing for adequate rest and recovery between sessions.

Q: Can compound exercises help with fat loss?

A: Absolutely! Compound exercises not only build muscle but also burn calories during and after the workout. They increase your metabolic rate, making it easier to lose fat when combined with a proper diet and overall calorie deficit.

Q: Do I need any specific equipment for compound exercises?

A: While some compound exercises can be performed using bodyweight or minimal equipment, others may require access to a gym or specific fitness equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, or resistance bands. Choose exercises that align with the resources available to you.

Q: Are compound exercises suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, compound exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels. Beginners should start with lighter weights and focus on mastering proper form before progressing to heavier loads. Seeking guidance from a qualified fitness professional is advisable for beginners.

Q: Can I still do isolation exercises alongside compound exercises?

A: Yes, incorporating isolation exercises into your workout routine can help target specific muscles that may not receive as much stimulation through compound movements alone. However, prioritize compound exercises as they provide more comprehensive muscle activation.

Q: What are the best compound exercises for muscle growth?

The best compound exercises for muscle growth include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and shoulder presses. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to greater overall muscle development.

Q: Why Are Compound Exercises Important?

Compound exercises are important because they engage multiple muscle groups, promote functional strength, and improve overall athletic performance.

Q: How Many Exercises Should You Do Per Muscle Group?

The number of exercises you should do per muscle group varies depending on your fitness goals and individual needs. Generally, 2-4 exercises per muscle group, 2-3 times a week, is recommended for optimal muscle growth and strength development.

Q: How to Use the Big 5 to Build Muscle?

To use the Big 5 to build muscle, focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, shoulder presses, and rows. Perform these exercises with proper form and gradually increase the weight and intensity over time.

Q: What are the best compound lifts?

The best compound lifts include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, and rows. These exercises target multiple muscle groups and are effective for building strength and muscle mass.

Q: What is the most effective compound exercise?

Most compound exercises are effective both in terms of building muscle and strength.
However, the squat, deadlift, rows, bench press, and overhead press are the most effective exercises that you should do.

Q: Which compound lift builds the most muscle?

The bench press, overhead press, squats, leg press, deadlifts, rows, hip thrusts, etc, builds the most muscle mass.

Q: Are compound exercises good for muscle gain?

Yes, compound exercises are good for muscle gain. Because with compound exercises you can lift more weights, get stronger as well as target more muscles doing very few sets.

Q: What are the 5 compound lifts?

The five compound lifts are – 1. Squats, 2. Bench Press, 3. Overhead Press, 4. Rows, .5 Deadlifts

Q: How often should I do compound exercises?

If an individual can handle frequent compound exercise sessions, and it doesn’t hamper their recovery levels. Then they can freely train as often as they please.
Also depends on the individual’s training levels, nutrition protocol, rest, and recovery plan.

Q: Can you get big with just compound lifts?

Yes, you can get big with compound lifts/exercises as it provides you with a challenging enough environment that you have no choice but to get big. Compound exercises make you stronger by recruiting more muscle groups, enabling you to lift as heavy as you can. Thus you get big with compound lifts/exercises

Q: How many compound exercises should I do per workout?

Preferably around 3 – 5 exercises are the best for maximizing the chance of maximum muscle breakdown(microtrauma) and still leaving enough in the tank to avoid CNS fatigue. If you train with enough volume, intensity, and proper technique, be rest assured of guaranteed strength and muscle gains.

Q: Can I do all compound exercises in one day?

No, You shouldn’t because you will not recover from this intense and sudden increase in the workload from doing all the compound exercises in one day. Ideally doing just 3-5 compound exercises with good form and technique along with ample rest between the sets and using off days is probably the best protocol for muscle, strength, and athletic gains.

Q: Is it better to do compound exercises or isolation?

If you are short on time, want to build functional strength, or if your goal is to get the strongest you can get, then your best choice should be to use more compound exercises.

However, if your only goal is to have big muscles, without having any lagging body parts and you do not care about both functional and overall increasing your body’s strength, then you can choose more or only compound exercises.

Q: Should compound movements be done first?

Yes, because compound exercises are more challenging to do, they demand more energy, they cause more fatigue both mentally and physically, and they need more rest between sets to recover. Also with compound exercises, there is a chance to get stronger along with building muscles so compound movements be done first.

What is the opposite of a compound exercise?

The opposite of compound exercise is isolation exercises for egs. Biceps curls, triceps extensions, hamstring curls, seating leg extensions, calf raises lateral raises, etc.

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